
Tailors (Alfaiates)

In the past, the male outer clothing was made ​​by tailors in a traditional handmade manner. The customers were present in the acts of taking measurements and doing the first fitting. Currently, the vast majority of these garments are performed in series in accordance with standards set by the industry.

Noutros tempos toda a roupa exterior masculina era confeccionada por alfaiates de maneira artesanal. Os fregueses estavam presentes nos actos de tirar medidas e fazer provas. Actualmente a grande maioria destas peças de vestuário são executadas em série de acordo com padrões estabelecidos pelos industriais do sector.

Quiringh Gerritszoon van Brekelenkam (ca 1622-ca 1679)-'the tailor's workshop'-oil on canvas-1661 Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

Quiringh Gerritszoon van Brekelenkam (ca 1622-ca 1679)-'interior of a tailor's shop'-oil on canvas-1663 Worchester (Massachusets)-Art Museum

Albert Anker (1831-1910)-'the village tailor'-oil on canvas-1894 Solothum-Kunstmuseum

Giovanni Battista Moroni (1525-157)-'the tailor'-oil on canvas London-National Gallery

Unknown (16th century)-'Italian tailor's shop'-miniature Roma-Biblioteca Casanatense (Tacuinum sanitatis)

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