

Beyond the city

City life takes away from its inhabitants the healthy contact with the open air of the fields.

A vida citadina retira aos seus habitantes o saudável contacto com o ar livre dos campos.

Peder Severin Kroyer (1851-1909)-‘hypp, hypp, hurrah!’-oil on canvas-1883    Gothenburg-Museum of Art

Jean Michelin (1616-1670)-‘the baker’s cart’-oil on canvas-1656    New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Master of the Béguins (active 1650-1660)-‘beggars at a doorway’-oil on canvas    New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Ernest Walbourn (1872-1927)-‘a walk along the river’-oil on board

Alexander Vladimirovich Makovsky (1869-1924)-‘procession St. Florus and Laurus’-oil on canvas-ca 1921    St Petersburg-The State Historical Museum of Religion

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