

Reading (19th century)

In the 19th century not all young people, namely women, had access to public or private education. Therefore reading habits were not very common.

No séc. XIX nem todos os jovens, nomeadamente as mulheres, tinham acesso ao ensino público ou privado. Não eram, por conseguinte, muito vulgares os hábitos de leitura.

Seymour Joseph Guy (1824-1910)-‘an interesting book’-oil on canvas    Private collection

Georges Croegaert (1843-1923)-‘reading’    Paris-Musée Carnavalet

Homer Winslow (1836-1910)-‘sunlight and shadow’-1872

Gyula Benczúr (1844-1920)-‘woman reading in the forest’-oil on canvas-1875    Budapest-Magyar Nemzeti Galéria

Wybrand Hendricks (1744-1831)-‘a good book’-oil on canvas    Private collection

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