

Passar a roupa a ferro (ironing woman) (la repasseuse)

No séc. IV já usavam maneira de retirar as rugas a roupa de vestir depois de lavada. Inicialmente procedia-se a frio esticando-a em instrumentos de madeira e pedra. Depois, até ao séc. XV, envergavam roupas engomadas. Somente no séc. XVII se inicia o emprego de objectos pesados de ferro aquecidos ao lume. A alteração seguinte consistiu na utilização de objectos ocos de ferro fundido aquecidos com água ou carvão incandescente. Os pintores do séc. XIX interessaram-se por este tipo de trabalho feminino, por vezes ligado à alfaiataria.

In the 4th century already using way to remove wrinkles clothes to wear after washing. Initially we proceeded to the cold stretching it into instruments of wood and stone. Then, until the 6th century, wore clothes dryer. Only in the 17th century begins the use of heavy objects of iron heated on the stove. The next change was the use of hollow objects of cast iron water heated with coal or incandescent. Painters of the 19th century are interested in this type of female labor, sometimes linked to tailoring.

Edgar-Hilaire-Germain Degas (1834-1917)-'the ironers'-oil on canvas-1869 München-Neue Pinakothek

François Bonvin (1817-1887)-'woman ironing'-oil on canvas-1858 Philadelphia-Museum of Art

Louis-Leopold Boilly (1761-1845)-young ironer-ca 1800 Boston-Museum of Art

Louis Joseph Anthonissen (1849-1913)-'atelier de repasseuses à Touville' 'the ironers Trouville'-huile sur toile Paris-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Rik Wouters (1882-1916)-'ironing woman'-oil on canvas-1912 Antwerp-Koninklijk Museum voor Schone Kunsten

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