

Perseu herói libertador (Perseus)

As lendas consideram Perseu como o herói mítico fundador de Micenas. Era filho de Zeus e de Danae. O rei Polidectes receoso que lhe usurpasse o reino propôs que ambos combatessem Medusa porque esta petrificava quem a olhava. Perseu decapitou-a com auxílio de: Palas Atena que lhe ofereceu um escudo bem polido que funcionava de espelho; de Hades fornecedor dum capacete que o tornava invisível; Hermes que lhe emprestou as suas sandálias aladas. Diversas representações mostram-no com a cabeça de Medusa (Gorgoneion Medusa's head) quando a oferecia à deusa Atena.

No regresso a casa encontrou Atlas no Jardim das Hespérides e este transformou-se em montanha porque desejou olhar a cabeça da Gorgona. Visitou Andrómeda, filha de Cassiopeia, que Poseidão oferecera ao monstro Citus pelos erros de sua mãe. Derrotou o monstro e libertou a jovem.
The legends consider as the mythical hero Perseus founder of Mycenae. Was son of Zeus and Danae. King Polydectes afraid it will usurp the kingdom has proposed that both fought Medusa because this petrified who looked at her. Perseus decapitated her with aid: Athene who offered him a shield that worked well polished mirror; provider of Hades a helmet that made him invisible; Hermes lent him his winged sandals. Several representations show him with the head of Medusa (Gorgoneion Medusa's head) when offered to the goddess Athena.
On returning home he found Atlas in the Garden of the Hesperides and this turned into a mountain because they wanted to look at the head of Gorgona. Visited Andromeda, the daughter of Cassiopeia, which offered the monster Poseida citus the mistakes of her mother. Defeated the monster and freed the girl.

Anónimo-'Perseus and Andromeda'-wall painting-Wandmalerei-Pompeii (casa dei Dioscuri, VI, 9, 6) Napoli-Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Piero di Cosimo (1462-1521)-'Perseus frees Andromeda'-oil on wood-ca 1513 Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Joachim Wtewael (1566-1638)-' Perseus and Andromeda'-oil on canvas-1611 Paris-Musée du Louvre

Luca Giordano (1634-1705)-'Perseus turning Phineus and his followers to stone'-oil on canvas-ca 1680 London-National Gallery

Antonio Canova (1757-1822)-'Perseus holding Medusa's head'-marble-ca 1800 Città del Vaticano-Museo Pio-Clementino (Octagon Hall-Canova Cabinet)

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