

São João Baptista (2-30) (Saint John the Baptist)

Na Idade Média cristianizaram a festa pagã do solstício do Verão como 'festa de São João Baptista'. Divulgou-se em toda a Europa. Homenageavam o Santo com as fogueiras já tradicionais na época romana. Na zona Nordeste do Brasil organizam danças de quadrilhas. Santo Padroeiro da Ordem de Malta. São João tem sido venerado pelas Igrejas: Ortodoxa, Católica e Anglicana. A Maçonaria praticante do Rito Escocês Antigo e Aceite, de origem católica, promove a 'festa de São João de Verão'.
In medieval Christianized the pagan festival of the summer solstice as "the feast of St. John the Baptist '. It was announced across Europe. Honored with the Holy traditional the fires already in Roman times. In the north east of Brazil organized dances gangs. Patron Saint of the Order of Malta. St. John has been venerated by the churches: Orthodox, Catholic and Anglican. Masonry practitioner of Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Catholic origin, promotes the 'Feast of Saint John of summer ".

Andrea di Francesco di Cione or Andrea del Verrocchio (1435-1488) and Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci (1452-1519)-'Saint John baptizes Jesus Christ'-oil on wood-(1472-1475) Firenze-Galleria degli Uffizi

Hieronymus Bosch (ca 1450-1516)-'Saint John the Baptist in the wilderness'-oil on panel Madrid-Museo Lázaro Galdiano

Andrea Solari or del Gobbo (1460-1524)-'Salome with the head of Saint John the Baptist'-oil on canvas

Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio (1571-1610)-'Saint John the Baptist with ram'-oil on canvas-1602 Roma-Musei Capitolini

Bartholomeus Breenbergh (ca 1598-1657)-'the preaching of Saint John the Baptist'-oil on wood-1634 New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

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