

Monte Saint Michel (Saint Michael's Mount)

Nesta ilhota rochosa da Normandia construiu Aubert, bispo de Avranches o primeiro santuário cristão dedicado ao Arcanjo São Miguel no ano de 708. Era conhecido por 'Mons Sancti Michaeli in periculo mari' porque a diferença entre as marés se situa na ordem dos 14 metros. No séc. XIII os Beneditinos edificaram uma abadia no local mais elevado da ilhota. No topo da igreja abacial colocaram uma estátua do Arcanjo que se situa a 170 metros de altitude. Serviu de fortaleza durante a 'guerra dos cem anos' (1337-1453). Os ingleses nunca a conseguiram tomar. Nela viveu o Condestável Bertrand Du Guesclain (1320-1380). Durante a Revolução Francesa transformaram-no em prisão. Nas pastagens salgadas dos arredores criam um borrego muito apreciado em culinária.

In this rocky islet in Normandy built Aubert, bishop of Avranches the first Christian sanctuary dedicated to the Archangel Michael in the year 708. It was known as 'Mons Sancti Michaeli in periculo mari' because the difference between the tides is of the order of 14 meters. In the century. XIII Benedictines built an abbey on the site higher islet. On top of the abbey church placed a statue of the Archangel that lies 170 meters above sea level. Served as a fortress during the 'war of one hundred years' (1337-1453). The British never managed to take. It lived  Constable Bertrand Du Guesclain(1320-1380). During the French Revolution turned him into prison. In the salted pastures of the surroundings create a highly prized in cooking lamb

Frères Limbourg (Pal, Heman, Jehanequin) (15th century)-'Saint Michael's Mount'-miniature Chantilly-Musée Condé (Les très riches heures du duc de Berry)

Deracaux-'Saint Michael's Mount'-engraving 18th century

Théodore Rousseau (1812-1867)-'Saint Michael's Mount'-oil on paper, mounted on canvas-1832

Owen Merton (1887-1931)-'Saint Michael's Mount'-oil on canvas

Gerald Brommer (20th century)-'morning light, Saint Michael's Mount'-oil on canvas

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