

Touros mitológicos (rapto da Europa) (the rape of Europa)

O touro, considerado animal possante, surge em diversa lendas da mitologia Grega. De acordo com uma delas Europa seria uma mulher fenícia de Tiro seduzida por Zeus transformado em touro de cor branca que, nos seus costados através do mar, a transportou para a ilha de Creta. Para sinalizar o acontecimento criou a constelação do mesmo nome. Está ligada à mitologia do touro sagrado.

The bull, considered powerful animal, comes in different legends of Greek mythology. According to one Europe would be a Phoenician woman of Tyro seduced by Zeus transformed into a white bull, in their sides by the sea, transported to the island of Crete. To signal the event created the constellation of the same name. Is linked to the mythology of the sacred bull.

Berlin painter-the rape of Europa-attic red figures krater-(500-490 BC) Tarquinnia-Museo Nazionale (RC 7456)

Anonymous-'Europa and the bull'- fresco-1th century Napoli-Museo Archeologico Nazionale (from Pompeii-house of Jason)

Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)-'the rape of Europa'-oil on canvas-ca 1630 Madrid-Museo del Prado

Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606-1669)-'the rape of Europa-oil on panel-1632 Malibu-J. Paul Getty Museum

François Boucher (1703-1770)-'the rape of Europa'-oil on canvas London-Wallace collection

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