

Aníbal (248-183 aC) (Hannibal)

O nome deste general Cartaginês Hanni-Baal significaria 'recebi a graça de Baal'. Esteve muito activo durante a II Guerra Púnica, durante a qual realizou um dos maiores feitos militares da Antiguidade: a travessia dos Alpes. Derrotou as legiões romanas do general Flamínio junto do Lago Trasimeno (217 aC). Esteve às porta de Roma (Hannibal ad portas). Descansou na Campânia antes de vencer os Romanos na batalha de Canas (216 aC). Por dificuldades logísticas passou para o Norte de África onde Scipião, o Africano o derrotou na batalha de Zama (202 aC).

The name of the Carthaginian general Hanni-baal mean 'I received the grace of Baal'. Was very active during the Second Punic War, during which he held one of the greatest military feats of antiquity: crossing the Alps with war elephants. He defeated the Roman legions of General Flaminius along Lake Trasimeno (217 BC). Was at the doors of Rome (Hannibal ad portas). Rested in Campania before winning the Romans at the Battle of Cannae (216 BC). For logistical difficulties went to North Africa, where Scipio Africanus defeated him at the Battle of Zama (202 BC).

Sebastien Slodzt (1655-1726)-'Hannibal'-statue-1704 Paris-Musée du Louvre (MR 2093)

Unknown-'Hannibal crossing the Alps with war elephants'-fresco--ca 1510 Roma-Musei Capitolini

Joseph-Noël Sylvestre (1847-1926)-'battle of Trasimene 217 BC (Flaminius overwhelmed at Trasimene)'-oil on canvas Béziers-Musée des Beaux-Arts

Étienne Delaune (design)-'Hannibal victory of the Romans at Cannae in 216 BC'-relief Shield of Henry II of France

Cornelis Cort (ca 1533-ca 1578)-'Battle of Zama (202 BC)'-engraving-1567

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