

Apolo e a Piton (Apollo and Python)

A terrível serpente Piton nascera do lodo da Terra depois do grande dilúvio. Hera enviou-a para Delfos com a missão de perseguir a ninfa Latona, deusa da noite clara, por esta se encontrar grávida de Zeus. Instalou-se junto da Fonte de Castália ou do esquecimento onde Apolo a abateu com as suas flechas. Enterrou-a junto ao Onfalos ou umbigo do Mundo.
Python, the terrible serpent, was born from the slime of the goddess Earth after the great flood. Hera sent her to Delphi with the mission of pursuing the nymph Leto, goddess of the clear night, as she was pregnant by Zeus. She settled near Castalia Spring or Forgetting Spring where Apollo slew her with his arrows. He buried her near Omphalos or Navel of the World.

Eugène-Victor-Ferdinand Delacroix (1780-1867)-'Apollo slaying Python'-oil on mounted canvas-1851 Paris-Musée du Louvre

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)-'Apollo and Python'-oil on canvas-1811 London-Tate Gallery

Gustave Moreau (1826-1898)-'Apollo vanquishing the serpent Python'-

Antonio Tempesta (1555-1630)-'Apollo killing the Python (Python ab Apolline interficitur)'

Marcantonio Franceschini (1648-1729)-'Apollo und Diana töten den Python'-öl auf Leinwand-(1692-1707) Wien-Liechtenstein Museum

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