

Fabrico da Pedra Filosofal (Making the Philosopher's Stone)

A Pedra Filosofal, também denominada Lapis Philosophorum, era o principal objectivo dos alquimistas. Permitia-lhes aproximar o homem de Deus, transmutar em ouro qualquer metal inferior, obter o Elixir da Longa Vida ou da Imortalidade. Designavam este trabalho por Opus Magna ou Obra Máxima. Uma das obras fundamentais era 'the Book of Lambspring, a noble ancient philosopher, concerning de Philosophical Stone', a qual Nicolas Barnand Delphinas traduziu em versos latinos.

The Philosopher's Stone, also called Lapis Philosophers, was the main goal of the alchemists. It allowed them to get closer to God, to transmute any base metal into gold, and get the Elixir of life or immortality. They named this work as Opus Magna or the Ultimate Work. One of the main works was 'the Book of Lambspring, the noble ancient philosopher, Concerning the Philosophical Stone,' which Nicolas Barnand Delphina translated into Latin verse.

Unknown-'the fermentation'-drawing Book of Lambspring

Unknown-'the coagulation'-drawing Book of Lambspring

Unknown-'the augmentation'-drawing Book of Lambspring

Unknown-'Sulphur and Mercury unite for the Philosopher's Stone'-drawing Book of Lambspring

Unknown-'with on the ferment of gold no one can compose de stone'-drawing Basil Valentine; The twefth key

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