

Batalhas de Alexandre Magno (II) (Alexander The Great battles)

Da batalha de Granico, na Ásia Menor, à de Hidaspes, junto do rio Indo entre as cidades Paquistanesas de Lilla e Bhora, Alexandre venceu várias batalhas. Em Issus derrotou Dario III; em Gagamela, erroneamente denominada Arbela, eliminou definitivamente o poderio deste rei Persa a 1de Outubro de 331 aC.

From the battle of the Granicus, in Asia Minor, till the battle of Hydaspes along the Indus River between the Pakistani cities of Lille and Bhora, Alexander won several battles. At Issus he defeated Darius III; in Gaugamela, erroneously called Arbela, he finally eliminated the power of this Persian king on 1 October 331 BC.

Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538)-'battle of Alexander (Issus) (333 BC)'-tempera on wood-1529 München-Alte Pinakothek

Unknown-'Tyrus obessa et capta ab alexandro (331 BC)' 'Tyr surrounded and invaded by Alexander'

Jean André Castaigne (1861-1929)-'the charge of the Persian scythed chariots at the battle of Gaugamela (October 331 BC)'-drawing-(1898-1899)

Charles Le Brun (1619-1690)-'Alexander and Porus (Puru) during the battle of Hydaspes (326 BC)'-1673

Jean André Castaigne (1861-1929)-'Alexander attack troops during the battle of Hydaspes'-drawing-(1898-1899)

1 comment:

  1. Este blogue provoca-me um deslumbramento enorme. Quanta beleza, meu caro!

    Procurarei fazer com que mais o visitem!

    Abraço Grande.
