

A Igreja Católica e a peste (the Catholic Church and the plague)

A Igreja Católica manteve diversos hospitais nas zonas de peste para tratamento dos pestíferos. Os seus representantes intercediam junto da Divindade por um possível milagre que afastasse o mal. Preocupavam-se igualmente com o conforto espiritual dos doentes e preparação dos moribundos para o Além. São Roque era um dos Santos protectores da peste.

The Catholic Church maintained several hospitals in the plague zones to treat the plague-stricken people. Their representatives interceded on people’s behalf so that God would withdraw the evil through a miracle. They also assume as their task the spiritual comfort of patients and the preparation of the dying people to the beyond. St. Roch was one of the patron saints of the plague.

Brothers Limbourg-'procession of Saint Gregory'-miniature-ca 1300 Chantilly-Musée Condé (Très riches heures du Duc de Berry, folio 71v)

Jacob van Oost, the younger (1639-1713)-'St. Macaire of Ghent tending the plague-stricken'-oil on canvas

Pietro Negri (1628-1679)-'the Madona saves Venice from the plague of 1630'-oil on canvas-ca 1673 Venezia-Scuola Grande di San Rocco

Jacopo da Ponte or Bassano (ca 1510-1592)-'St Roche among the plague victims and the Madona in Glory'-oil on canvas-ca 1575 Milano-Pinacoteca di Brera

Jacopo Robusti or Tintoretto (1518-1594)-'St Roch in the hospital'-oil on canvas-1594 Venezia-Scuola Grande di San Rocco

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