

Lisboa Antiga (Ancient Lisbon)

A designação pré-romana de Olissipo terá originado Lisboa. Existiu ocupação fenícia 1200 aC. Teria sido fundada por Ulisses, provavelmente no regresso da guerra de Tróia. Os Romanos chegaram no séc. I aC e deixaram termas (rua da Prata) e anfiteatro (Castelo). Das várias invasões as mais importantes pertenceram aos Visigodos e Mouros (séc. VII) comandados por Abdelaziz ibn Musa, filho de Tariq. Os Cruzados possibilitaram a reconquista cristã de 1147. Desta cidade partiram as naus e caravela que descobriram o 'caminho marítimo para a Índia' (1498) e o 'achamento' do Brasil (1500).

The pre-Roman designation of Olissipo gave origin to the name “Lisbon”. In 1200 BC the Phoenicians occupied the city, which was founded by Ulysses, probably when he returned from the Trojan War. The Romans arrived in the 1st century BC and left thermae or public baths (rua da Prata) and a theater (São Jorge’s Castle). Among the several invasions the most important were performed by the Visigoths and the Moors (7th century) led by Abdul Aziz ibn Musa, son of Tariq. The Crusaders enabled the Christian reconquest of 1147. This city was the departure point of the ships and the caravels that discovered the 'sea route to India' (1498) and 'the finding' of Brazil (1500).

Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935)-'rio Tejo visto do jardim São Pedro de Alcântara' ''Tagus River as seen from San Pedro de Alcantara gardens'-watercolor Lisboa-Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (OL 30 - 1925)

Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935)-'escadinhas de São Cristovão' 'Stairs of St. Kitts'-watercolor Lisboa-Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (OL 30 - 1925)

Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935)-'escadinhas de São Miguel' 'Stairs of St. Michael'-watercolor Lisboa-Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (OL 30 - 1925)

Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935)-'rua da Judiaria ''Jewry Street '-watercolor Lisboa-Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (OL 30 - 1925)

Alfredo Roque Gameiro (1864-1935)-'rua do Benformoso' ' Benformoso Street'-watercolor Lisboa-Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (OL 30 - 1925)

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