

Orfeu e a lira (Orpheus playing lyre)

Orfeu, filho de Apolo e da ninfa Calíope, além de poeta foi o músico mais talentoso mencionado nas lendas gregas. Ao tocar a lira, oferecida pelo pai, as aves e os animais selvagens rodeavam-no para o escutar. Participou com Jasão na campanha dos Argonautas. Apaixonou-se por Eurídice.

Orpheus, son of Apollo and of the nymph Calliope, besides being a poet, was the most talented musician mentioned in Greek legends. When he played the lyre, offered by his father, birds and wild animals got around him to listen. He participated with Jason in the Argonauts campaign. He fell in love with Eurydice.

Attr. To the painter of London 497-(bell-crater)-attic-(red-figure)-ca 440 BC-'Orpheus playing his lyre for Thracian man' New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

Anonymous--'Christ as Orpheus'-mural Roma-Catacomba di Santi Marcellino e Pietro (Orpheus, tanning the wild beasts with his lyre, symbolized the peaceful sway of Christ)

Unknown-'Orpheus with the lyre and surrounded by beasts'-ivory relief Athens-Byzantine and Christian Museums

Hans Leu, the younger (ca 1490-ca 1531)-'Orpheus and the animals'-oil on canvas-1519 Basel-Kunstmuseum

Marcello Provenzale (1575-1639)-'Orpheus'-tempera on canvas Roma-Galleria di Villa Borghese

1 comment:

  1. aqui e ali, gente comum, como eu, não resiste a destacar o óbvio (coisa inútil, portanto), mas aqui fica: este blogue mostra coisas maravilhosas de forma despretensiosa, é útil, é excelente.
