

Sereias (sirens)

Estes seres mitológicos parte mulher, parte peixe ou ave, eram filhas do rio Achelous e da musa Terpsicore. Habitavam na região da ilha de Capri. Atraiam os marinheiros com o seu canto a fim de os seus barcos colidirem contra os rochedos. De Parténope terá surgido Partenopeia ou Nápoles. Teoxiope era a da doce sonoridade e Telxiepia a cantora que enfeitiçava. O episódio com Odisseus conta-o Homero na Odisseia (canto XII).

These mythological beings half woman, half fish, or bird, were the daughters of the river Achelous and the Muse Terpsichore. They inhabited the area of the island of Capri. They seduced sailors with their singing causing their boats to collide against the rocks. Parthenope gave rise to Partenope or Naples. Teoxiope was the sweet sound and Thelxiepeia the singer who bewitched men. The episode with Odysseus is told by Homer in Odyssey (book XII).

Unknown-'Odysseus and the sirens'-mosaic roman-3th century Tunis-Bardo National Museum

John William Waterhouse (1849-1917)-'Odysseus and the sirens'-oil on canvas-1891

Léon- Adolphe-Auguste Belly (1827-1877)-'Odysseus and the sirens'-oil on canvas

Herbert James Draper (1863-1928)-'the sirens'-oil on canvas

Edward Burne-Jones (1833-1898)-'the sirens'-pastel-ca 1875 Private collection

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