

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945)

Todas as figuras públicas procuram valorizar a sua imagem física e intelectual. Na prisão escreveu 'A Minha Luta', onde revelou todo o seu pensamento. No ano de 1937 criou o Museu Oficial da Arte Nazi à frente do qual colocou Adolf Ziegler (1882-1968). Nomeou Heinrich Knirr (1862-1944) como seu pintor oficial. As pinturas de 1937 a 1942 permitem avaliar o seu desgaste físico e psicológico.

All public figures seek to enhance their physical and intellectual image. In prison he wrote 'My Struggle’, where he revealed all his ideas. In 1937 he created the Official Museum of Nazi Art, setting Adolf Ziegler as its manager (1882-1968). Heinrich Knirr was appointed Hitler’s official painter. The paintings from 1937 to 1942 allow us to assess his physical and psychological decline.

Heinrich Knirr (1862-1944)-'Hitler. Creator of the Third Reich and Renewer of Germany'-1937

Hugo Lehmann-'the Führer'-1938

Conrad Hommel (1883-1971)-'Führer to the Empire Grödeutschen'-1939

Conrad Hommel (1883-1971)-'Führer and the Lider of the Supreme Befehshaber der Wermacht'-1940

Franz Triebsch (1870-1958)-'Bildnis des Führers' 'portrait of the Führer'-1941

Rudolf G. Zill (1866-1958)-'Bildnis des Führers' 'portrait of the Führer'-1942

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