

Batalha naval de Trafalgar (Battle of Trafalgar)

Esta batalha naval ocorreu a 21 de Outubro de 1805 durante a terceira aliança europeia contra o poderio militar de Napoleão Bonaparte, Imperador de França. A armada francesa procurou afastar a esquadra inglesa do canal da Mancha para permitir a invasão da Grã-Bretanha. Ocorreu no cabo do mesmo nome na província espanhola de Cádiz. A França perdeu 12 dos 18 barcos e a Espanha 10 dos 15. Faleceram Cosme Damián Churruca, comandante do navio San Juan Nepomuceno e o almirante Horácio Nelson. A Inglaterra tornou-se 'dona dos mares' e comemorou o acontecimento em Londres com a criação da Praça de Trafalgar e coluna de Nelson.

This naval battle took place on October 21, 1805 during the third European alliance against the military power of Napoleon Bonaparte, Emperor of France. The French navy tried to keep the English fleet way from the English Channel to allow the invasion of Britain. It happened in the Cape with the same name (Trafalgar), in the Spanish province of Cadiz. France lost 12 of its 18 boats and Spain 10 out of 15. Cosme Damián Churruca, the captain of the ship San Juan Nepomuceno, and admiral Horatio Nelson died. England became ‘mistress of the seas’ and celebrated the event in London with the creation of Trafalgar Square and Nelson's column.

Nicolas Pocock (1740-1821)-'situation at 13 hours'-oil on canvas

Nicolas Pocock (1740-1821)-'situation at 17 hours'-oil on canvas

Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851)-'the battle of Trafalgar, as seen from the mizen starboard shrouds of the Victory'-oil on canvas-(1806-1808) London-Tate Gallery

Auguste Étienne François Mayer (1805-1890)-'the Redoutable at Trafalgar'-oil on canvas-1836 Paris-Musée de la Marine

Louis-Philippe Crépin (1772-1851)-'Trafalgar battle'-oil on canvas 1807

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