

Danúbio (Danube) (Donau)

O Danúbio é o segundo maior rio da Europa (ca 3.000 km). Nasceu na Alemanha (Floresta Negra) próximo do lago Constança e desagua por delta no Mar Negro. Passa pelas capitais de vários países europeus: Viena (Áustria), Bratislava (Eslováquia), Budapeste (Hungria), Belgrado (Sérvia). Os romanos conheceram-no por Danubius. O Imperador Marco Aurélio (séc. II) terá morrido nos arredores de Vindobona (Viena) no campo militar de Carnuntum, destinado à defesa das invasões bárbaras. Continua a ser importante via para transporte de pessoas e mercadorias.

The Danube is the second largest river in Europe (ca 3000 km). It starts in Germany (Black Forest) near Lake Constance and flows into the Black Sea, in a delta. It passes through several European capitals: Vienna (Austria), Bratislava (Slovakia), Budapest (Hungary), Belgrade (Serbia). For the Romans it was the Danubius. Emperor Marcus Aurelius (2nd century) is said to have died somewhere in Vindobona (Vienna) in the military field of Carnuntum, intended for the defense against barbarian invasions. It is still a major route for the transport of people and goods.

Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538)-'Danube landscape near Regensberg'-oil on wood-ca 1522 München-Alte Pinakothek

Georg Raphael Donner (1693-1749)-'Danube well'-sculpture-(1737-1739) Wien-Österreischiche Galerie Belvedere

Johann Heinrich Füssli (1741-1825)-'Hagen and the nymphs of the Danube'-graphite, pen and brown ink, watercolour and gouache on cream wove paper-1802 Private collection

Jakob Alt (1789-1872)-'the monastery of Melk on the Danube'-oil on canvas-1845 Winterthur-Oskar Reinhart collection

Egon Schiele (1890-1918)-'Stein an der Donau with terraced vineyards'-oil on canvas Private collection

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