

Imperador Carlos V (Emperor Charles V)

Filho de Joana, 'a Louca' e de Filipe 'o Belo' nasceu em 1500 na cidade belga de Ghent (Gand). Acumulou vários reinos: Carlos I de Espanha, Carlos IV de Nápoles e Sicília, Carlos V do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico. Casou com a Infanta Isabel de Portugal (1503-1539), mãe de Filipe II. O seu filho ilegítimo mais famoso foi D. João de Áustria. Participou em várias batalhas importantes. Abdicou (1555) a favor de Filipe II em Bruxelas no palácio dos Duques de Brabante (Coudenberg). Morreu em 1558 no Mosteiro de San Jerónimo de Yuste, onde se tinha dedicado a consertar relógios (com a ajuda de Gianello Torriano).

Son of Joanna, ‘the Crazy' and Philip ‘the Handsome’, he was born in 1500 in the Belgian city of Ghent (Gent). He accumulated several kingdoms: Carlos I of Spain, Charles IV of Naples and Sicily, Charles V of the Holy Roman Empire. He married Infanta Isabella of Portugal (1503-1539), mother of Philip II. His most famous illegitimate son was D. John of Austria. He participated in several important battles. In 1555 he abdicated in favor of Philip II, in Brussels at the Palace of the Dukes of Brabant (Coudenberg). He died in 1558 in the Monastery of San Jerónimo de Yuste, where he had dedicated himself to fix watches (with the help of Gianello Torriano).

Anonymous 16th century-'battle of Tunis. Attack on Goletta 1535' (vs Barbarossa Hayredin Pasha)

Anonymous 16th century-'Charles V announcing the capture of Tunis to the Pope in 1535'-tapestry

Anonymous 16th century-'Barbarossa Hayredin Pasha defeats the Holy League of Charles V under the command of Andrea Doria at the battle of Prevezza 1538'

Anonymous 16th century-'battle of Mühlberg. Defeat of German Protestants 1547'-relief on wood Linz-Oberösterreischische Landesmuseum

Frans Franken II (1581-1642)-'allegory on the abdication of Emperor Charles V in Brussels, 25 October 1555'-oil on panel-ca 1620 Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

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