

Martinho Lutero (1483-1546) (Martin Luther

Martinho Lutero abandonou a vida académica para se tornar monge. No ano de 1508 começou a ensinar Teologia na Universidade de Wittenberg. Em 1517 acusou o dominicano Johann Tetzel (1465-1519) de vender indulgências concedidas pelo Papa Leão X para a construção da Basílica de São Pedro. Em 1518, recebido em audiência pelo Cardeal Tommaso Gaetano de Vio, recusou renunciar aos seus escritos e comportamento. O mesmo aconteceu em 1520 na Dieta de Worm convocada pelo Imperador Carlos V. O Papa excomungou-o por Bula (Exsurge Domine) de 15 de Junho de 1520. Recebeu apoio de alguns príncipes de língua alemã na sua discordância doutrinária contra a Igreja Católica. Tornou-se anti-semita. Seguiu-se um período bastante conturbado até à Guerra dos 30 anos (1618-1648).

Martin Luther abandoned his academic life to become a monk. In the year 1508 he began teaching Theology at Wittenberg University. In 1517 he accused the Dominican Johann Tetzel (1465-1519) of selling indulgences granted by Pope Leo X to build St. Peter's Basilica. In 1518, when he was received in audience by Cardinal Tommaso Gaetano de Vio, he refused to renounce his writings and behavior. The same happened in 1520 at the Diet of Worm, convened by Emperor Charles V. The Pope excommunicated him in the papal bull (Exsurge Domine) of June 15, 1520. He was supported by some German speaking princes in the question of his disagreement with the doctrines of the Catholic Church. He became anti-Semitic. The following period till the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) would be very troubled.

Jeorg Breu the elder (of Augsburg)-'a question to a mintmaker'-woodcut-ca 1500

Hans Holbein the younger (ca 1498-1543)-'sale of Indulgences'-woodcut-ca 1529

Anton von Werner (1843-1915)-'Luther defense at the Imperial Diet of Worms' Stuttgart-Staatsgalerie

Unknown-'Luther burning the Pope's bull in front of the east gate of Wittenberg in December 1520'

Workshop of Lucas Cranach the elder-'Martin Luther in Regensburg'-oil on canvas-1532 New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art

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