

A morte no Egipto faraónico (death in Pharaonic Egypt)

A vida depois da morte preocupou intensamente os seres humanos que há milénios ocupavam o território Egípcio. Os poderosos eram mumificados para comparecerem de modo elegante perante os deuses encarregados de os receber. Vários documentos atestam a razão religiosa de tal procedimento. O clima permitiu, durante todo este período, a conservação de múmias, papiros, pinturas, onde os factos são evidentes.

Life after death preoccupied intensely humans who occupied the Egyptian territory for millennia. The powerful rulers were mummified so that they could appear before the gods in charge of receiving them in a fashionable way. Several documents attest the religious reason of such a procedure. Throughout this period the weather enabled the conservation of mummies, papyrus, paintings, where these facts are evident.

Unknown-'God Osiris and the weighing of the heart'-papyrus Cairo-Egyptian Museum

Unknown-'the barge of the Sun God (Thost) on it's night course' Deir el Medinah-Tomb of Anhurkhawi

Unknown-'the weighing of the heart'-papyrus of Ani-ca 1200 BC London-British Museum (The book of the death)

Unknown-'Hunefer's heart being weighed by Anubis'-papyrus of Hunefer-ca 1375 BC London-British Museum

Unknown-'Anubis attending the mummy of Sennedjem'-wall painting-19th dynasty Deir el Medinah (tomb of Sennedjem)

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