

Rio de Janeiro

Gaspar de Lemos chegou à baía de Guanabara a 1 de Janeiro de 1502. Os franceses dirigidos por Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon instalaram-se numa das suas ilhas e ergueram o forte dedicado ao almirante Gaspard de Coligny. Pretendiam instalar a França Antárctica, mas foram derrotados pelos portugueses em 1567. Apresenta particular significado a pintura “Brazilian ball for Henry II and Catherine de Medici in Rouen 1 October 1550”, enquanto precursora da criação no Brasil da France Antarctique. A “cidade maravilhosa” criou-a Estácio de Sá por essa altura. Tornou-se capital da Colónia no ano de 1763.

Gaspar de Lemos arrived in Guanabara Bay on January 1st, 1502. The French led by Nicolas Durand de Villegagnon settled in one of its islands and built the fort dedicated to Admiral Gaspard de Coligny. They had planned to install a French Antarctica, but were defeated by the Portuguese in 1567. The painting “Brazilian ball for Henry II and Catherine de Medici in Rouen 1 October 1550” has a particular significance, as a precursor to the creation of the France Antarctique in Brazil. The “beautiful city” was created by Estácio de Sá at that time. It became the capital of the Colony in 1763.

Brazilian ball for Henry II and Catherine de Medici in Rouen 1 October 1550

Johann Moritz Rugendus (1802-1858)- 'view of Rio de Janeiro from the church of the monastery of Saint Benedictus'-ca 1820

Agostinho José da Mota (1824-1878)- view of Rio de Janeiro'-oil on canvas

Abraham-Louis Buvelot (1814-1888)-'view of Gamboa, in Rio de Janeiro'-oil oncanvas-1852 Rio de Janeiro-Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

Nicolas-Antoine Taunay (1755-1830)-'view of the Morro de Santo Antonio'-ca 1816 Rio de Janeiro-Museu Nacional de Belas Artes

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