

Asclépio ou Esculápio (Asclepius)

Considerado deus da medicina na mitologia greco-romana. Não pertencia ao panteão das divindades olímpicas. Como pais teria tido Apolo e a mortal Coronis. Após a morte da mãe entregaram-no ao centauro Quiron com quem aprendeu a arte de curar. O seu culto estava tão divulgado que Apuleio se lhe referiu como “Aesclepius ubique”. Possuía santuários em Cós e Epidauro. Usava caduceu ou bordão onde uma serpente dos seus templos se enroscava.

Asclepius is considered the god of medicine in Greco-Roman mythology. He wasn’t included in the pantheon of Olympic gods. His parents were Apollo and the mortal Coronis. After his mother’s death he was handed over to the centaur Chiron who taught him the art of healing. Asclepius’s cult was so widespread that Apuleius referred to him as “Aesclepius ubique”. There were sanctuaries in his honor in Kos and Epidaurus. He wore a caduceus or stick where a snake from his temples would coil.

Unknown-'Asclepius'-statue Epidaurus-Museum of theater

Unknown-'a family sacrificing a bull to Asclepius, the god of health and his daughter Hygieia'-votive relief-5th century BC Paris-Musée du Louvre

Claude Gelée or Lorrain (1602-1682)-'Asclepius reviving Hippolytus'-pen and ink, wash and chalk on paper Private collection

Sebastiano Ricci (1659-1734)-'dream with Asclepius'-oil on canvas-(1712-1716) Firenze-Galleria dell'Accademia

John William Waterhouse (1849-1915)-'a sick child brought into the temple of Asclepius'-oil on canvas-1877 London-The Fine Art Society

1 comment:

  1. faltou dizer que nasceu depois da mãe já estar morta

    é um semi-deus por cesariana
