


O Chile ocupa territorialmente uma faixa costeira localizada entre a cordilheira dos Andes e o Oceano Pacífico. À chegada dos conquistadores espanhóis (séc. XVI) o norte do país era dominado pelos Incas; os Mapuches ou Araucanos ocupavam o centro e sul. Recebeu colonos de diversos países europeus depois da independência a 12 de Fevereiro de 1818. Pelo estabelecimento das fronteiras esteve em guerra (1879-1883) com o Perú e Bolívia na denominada 'guerra do Pacífico'.

Chile occupies a coastal strip geographically located between the Andes and the Pacific Ocean. Upon the arrival of the Spanish conquerors (16th century) the north of the country was dominated by the Incas; the Mapuche or Araucanian occupied the center and south. It received settlers from several European countries after its independence on 12 February 1818. In order to settle its frontiers, Chile was at war with Peru and Bolivia in the so-called 'The War of the Pacific' (1879-1883).

Pedro Francisco Lira Rencoret (1845-1912)-'foundation of Santiago by Pedro de Valdivia in 1541'-1889 Santiago del Chile-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Manuel Antonio Caro (1835-1903)-'la Zamacueca'-oil on canvas Santiago del Chile-Presidencia de la Republica de Chile

Marta Zuñiga Otis-'puerto (harbor) de Antofagasta'

Thomas Jacques Somerscales (1842-1927)-'war of Pacific. Battle of Iquipe in 21 May 1879'-oil on canvas Santiago del Chile-Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes

Conrad Martens (1801-1878)-'HMS Beagle in the seaways of Tierra del Fuego'-(1831-1836) in Charles Darwin; The illustrated origin of species

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