

Galleria degli Uffizi (profane selection)

Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574) was responsible for the design of the building. The Grand Duke Francesco I (Medici) (1541-1587) ordered the execution of this construction (1560-1580) for the headquarter offices (uffizi) of the administrative services of Tuscany. It comprises an impressive collection of paintings from the fourteenth century, as well as numerous antique statues.

O projecto do edifício pertence a Giorgio Vasari (1511--1574). O Grão-Duque Francesco I (Medici) (1541-1587) mandou executar esta construção (1560-1580) para sede das repartições (uffizi) dos serviços administrativos da Toscana. Compreende impressionante colecção de pinturas desde o séc. XIV, assim como inúmeras estátuas antigas.

Johann Zoffany (1733-1810)-'the Tribune'-oil on canvas-(1772-1778)

Annibale Carracci (1560-1609)-'Venus with a satyr and Cupid'-oil on canvas-ca 1588

Caspar Netscher (1639-1684)-'woman cleaning'-oil on canvas

Rutilio Manetti (1571-1639)-'Masinissa (238-149 BC) and Sophonibe ( -204 BC)'-oil on canvas-(1624-1625)

David Teniers, the Elder (1582-1649)-'the interior of a rustic house'-oil on canvas-ca 1640

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