
Independência dos EUA (American Revolutionary war 1775-1783)

Os rebeldes Americanos das colónias Inglesas suportaram duras batalhas durante a Guerra da Independência. Receberam apoio Francês prestado pelo Marquês de Lafayette. Posteriormente federaram-se e formaram os EUA.

The North-American rebels of English colonies endured fierce battles during the War of Independence. They received French support provided by the Marquis de Lafayette. Later the colonies federated and formed the USA.

Domenick d'Andrea-'the Delaware Regiment at the battle of Long Island'-oil on canvas

John Trumbull (1758-1843)-'surrender of the British General John Burgoyne at Saratoga (October 17, 1777)'-oil on canvas

John Trumbull (1758-1843)-'surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown'-oil on canvas-1797

Drawing by Millar-engraving by Lodge-'the attack of Bunker Hill with the burning of Charlestown, June 17, 1775'

Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868)-'General Washington crossing the Delaware'-oil on canvas

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