

Austrian-Turkish War (1683) - Guerra Austro-Turca (1683)

A Holy League with the participation of Polish, Austrian and German troops was created for the defense of Austria against the Ottoman Empire. Vienna was under siege for two months until the arrival of the Poles. Jan Sobierski, king of Poland, took command of the defending army. The grand vizier Kara Mustafa Pasha Merzifonlu (1634-1683) led the 90,000 Ottoman troops. When the battle in the mountains of Vienna (Kahlenberg) finished, Sobierski met Leopold I in Schwechat. He offered the victory to the Pope while paraphrasing Julius Caesar “venimus, vidimus et Deus vicit”. With this victory the Habsburgs gained remarkable predominance in Central Europe.

Para a defesa da Áustria contra o Império Otomano criou-se a Liga Santa na qual participaram tropas Polaco-Austro-Alemãs. Viena esteve sitiada dois meses até à chegada dos Polacos. Jan Sobierski, rei da Polónia, assumiu o comando do exército defensor. Dirigia os 90.000 soldados Otomanos o Grão-vizir Merzifonlu Kara Mustafa Pasha (1634-1683). Finda a batalha nas montanhas de Viena (Kahlenberg), Sobierski encontrou-se com Leopoldo I em Schwechat. Ofereceu a vitória ao Papa e parafraseou Júlio César «venimus, vidimus et Deus vicit». Com esta vitória os Habsburgos ganharam grande predominância na Europa Central.

Franz Geffels (1635-1699)-'Vienna battle at the Kahlenberg 1683'-oil on canvas Wien-Historisches Museum der Stadt Wien (Karlplatz)

Juliusz Kossak (1824-1899)-'Schlacht bei Wien 1683, unter dem Kommando von König Johann II Sobieski von Pole. Im Hintergrund stift Klosternenburg' 'Battle of Vienna in 1683, under the command of King John II Sobieski of Poland. In the background pin Klosternenburg '-oil on canvas-1882

Józef Brandt (1841-1915)-'leaving Vienna or return from Vienna 1683'-oil on canvas

Jan Matejko (1838-1893)-'Sobieski sending message of victory to the Pope'-oil on canvas

Arthur Grottger (1837-1867)-'Sobieski meeting Leopold I after battle of Vienna, September 12, 1683'oil on canvas-1859 Lviv-Art Gallery

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