

Fountain of Youth (Fonte da juventude)

The fountain of immortality or eternal youth evokes notions of purification and regeneration. It is related to the fascination of human beings with water and with the benefits for those who would drink it. One of its origins would be the lost Garden of Eden. It is part of imaginary paradises like the philosopher's stone, the elixir of a long life, the universal panacea. Juan Ponce de Leon (1474-1521), governor of Puerto Rico, is said to have left Florida on an expedition for the purpose of finding the fountain of immortality.

A fonte da imortalidade ou da eterna juventude evoca noções de purificação e regeneração. Encontra-se ligada à fascinação dos seres humanos pela água e benefícios para quem a bebesse. Uma das suas origens seria o perdido Jardim do Éden. Pertence aos paraísos imaginários como a pedra filosofal, o elixir da longa vida, a panaceia universal. Juan Ponce de Léon (1474-1521), governador de Porto Rico, teria partido da Florida numa expedição com a finalidade de a encontrar.

Manner of the Epeleios painter-'youth washing himself at the fountain'-attic-kylix-(red-figures)-Vulci-(510-500 BC) Città del Vaticano-Musei

Eduard Veith (1856-1925)-'mythical fountain of youth'

Lucas Cranach the elder (1472-1553)-'fountain of youth'-oil on wood-1546 Berlin-Gemäldegalerie

Giovanni Segantini (1858-1894)-'Amor at the life well. The fountain of youth'-oil on canvas-1896

Hans Sebald Beham (1500-1550)-'fountain of youth'-woodcut-(1530-1545) Washington-National Gallery of Art

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