

Mid 19th Century School (Escola do séc. XIX)

The study by Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910), Swiss painter, about mid 19th century school enables us to assess the differences between the past and the present.

O estudo de Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910), pintor Suíço, sobre a escola de meados do séc. XIX permite avaliar as diferenças em relação ao momento presente.

Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910)-'The village school of 1848'-'die Dorfschule von 1848'-oil on canvas-1896 Basel-Kunstmuseum

Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910)- 'Walk of the school'-'der Schulspaziergang'-oil on canvas-1872 Private collection (privatebesitz)

Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910)-'Gym class in Ins'-'Turnstunde in Ins'-oil on canvas-1879 Private collection

Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910)-'infants school'-'Kleinkinderschule'-oil on canvas-1900 Berne-Kunstmuseum

Albert Samuel Anker (1831-1910)-'school boy'-oil on canvas

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