

Queen Marie Antoinette (1755-1793) Vienna

The Archduchess Maria Antonia von Habsburg-Lothringen, daughter of Francis I and Maria Theresa of Austria, Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, was born in the Vienna Imperial Palace (Hofburg). She also lived in this city at Schloss Schönbrunn. She grew up unconcernedly in the court scene until 1770, the date of her marriage to Louis Auguste de Bourbon, Dauphin of France, King Louis XVI since 1774.

A Arquiduquesa Maria Antónia de Habsburgo-Lorena, filha de Francisco I e Maria Teresa de Áustria, Imperatriz do Sacro Império Romano-Germânico, nasceu no Palácio Imperial de Viena (Hofburg). Também viveu nesta cidade no Schloss Schönbrunn. Cresceu despreocupadamente no ambiente da corte até 1770, ano em que casou com Luís Augusto de Bourbon, delfim de França, rei Luís XVI a partir de 1774.

Archiduchess Maria Christina of Austria (1742-1822)-'Maria Theresa of Austria family (Marie Antoinette with a doll)'-oil on canvas

Martin van der Meytens (1695-1770)-'Marie Antoinette at the age of seven years'-oil on canvas-1762 Wien-Schloss Schönbrunn

Attr. Johann Georg Weickert (1745-1799)-'Marie Antoinette dancing (marriage of the Holy Roman Emperor Joseph II-23/24 January 1765)'-oil on canvas-1762 Wien-Hofburg or Schloss Schönbrunn

Martin van der Meytens (1695-1770)-'Marie Antoinette at the age of twelve years'-oil on canvas-1767-1768 Wien-Schloss Schönbrunn

Franz Xaver Wagenschön (1726-1790)-'Marie Antoinette at the clavichord'-oil on canvas Wien-Kunsthistorisches Museum Gemäldegalerie

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