

Rome Colosseum (Coliseu de Roma)

The construction of the Colosseum, also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre, took place between 70-80 AD by emperors Vespasian and Titus. It lies east of the Roman Forum. Being about 50 meters high, it was initially set to receive about 50,000 spectators. It was intended to host battles between gladiators and these against wild beasts (venatio). Arena floods gave rise to naval battles (naumaquia). According to tradition, Christian martyrs were thrown to the wild beasts. In the 2nd century, Juvenal (Satires) states that the concern of the Empire had been to provide “bread and circus” to citizens. The Colosseum was visited by a lot of distinguished people.

A construção do Coliseu, também conhecido por Anfiteatro Flaviano, verificou-se entre 70-80 AD pelos imperadores Vespasiano e Tito. Situa-se a leste do Foro Romano. Com cerca de 50 metros de altura estava inicialmente preparado para receber aproximadamente 50.000 espectadores. Destinava-se a combates entre gladiadores e destes com feras (venatio). Com a inundação da arena realizavam combates navais (naumaquia). A tradição menciona os mártires cristãos lançados aos animais ferozes. Juvenal (Sátiras) informa no séc. II que a preocupação durante o Império era fornecer 'pão e circo' aos cidadãos. Recebeu a visita de pessoas ilustres.

Henri-Félix-Emmanuel Philippoteaux (1815-1887) engraving by Charles Pardinel (1808-ca 1861)-'François René (1768-1848) vicomte de Chateaubriand and Pauline de Beaumont in the ruins of the Colosseum' Paris-Bibliothèque des Arts Decoratifs

Jakob Philippe Hackert (1737-1807)-'Johann Wolfgang von Göethe (1749-1832) visitig the Colosseum. Rome'

Abraham-Louis-Rodolphe Ducros (1748-1810)-'Colosseum. Rome'-drawing Private collection

William James Linton (1791-1876)-'Colosseum. Rome'-wood engraving

Thonas Cole (1801-1848)-'interior of the Colossum'-1832

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