

Tempora mutantur

The title is based on Fable (V, 10), Phaedrus (Gaius Iulius Phaedrus) (30/15 aC-45/50 AD) 'Tempora mutantur in Illis et mutamur in', and serves to convey the idea that 'the Time changes and we change with it '.

O título baseia-se na Fábula (V, 10) de Fedro (Gaius Iulius Phaedrus) (30/15 aC-45/50 AD) « Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis», e serve para exprimir a ideia que 'o tempo muda e nós mudamos com ele'.

Edward Lamson Henry (1841-1919)-'new woman'-oil on canvas-1893

Marie Nyl-Frosch (1857-1914)-'Forget-me-not' (Masonry flower)-oil on canvasboard Private collection

Sébastien Bourdon (1616-1671)-'a Roman lime kiln'-oil on canvas-(1634-1636) München-Alte Pinakothek

Lloyd K. Townsend (19 th century)-'Atlantis'-oil on canvas

Frans Snyders (1579-1657)-'a concert of birds'-oil on wood-1630 Madrid-Museo del Prado

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