

Acropolis of Athens (Acrópole de Atenas)

Some of the most beautiful and representative of Greek monuments were erected at the time of Pericles (5th century BC) at the acropolis or upper city of Athens, located 150 meters high. The entrance to the precinct, dedicated to Athena, is along the Propylea or portal. The ruins of the following temples are preserved: the Parthenon, Erecteion (dedicated to countryside gods) and Athena Nike.

Na acrópole ou cidade alta de Atenas, situada à altitude de 150 metros, ergueram no tempo de Péricles (séc. V aC) alguns dos mais belos e representativos monumentos gregos. A entrada no recinto, dedicado a Palas Atena, faz-se pelo Propileu ou portal. Conservam-se as ruínas dos templos: Partenon, Erecteion (dedicado aos deuses campestres), Atena Niké.

Leo von Klenze (1784-1864)-'reconstruction of the Acroplis and Areios Pagos in Athens'-1846 München-Neue Pinakothek

Paul Spangenberg (1843-1918)-'acropolis'-oil on canvas-1887

Carl Haag (1820-1915)-'acropolis'-oil on canvas

Edward Dodwell (1769-1838)-'west front of the Parthenon'-drawing in Views in Greece by the English traveler and archaeologist, London (1821) in Views in Greece by the English traveler and archaeologist, London (1821)

Edward Dodwell (1769-1838)- 'Parthenon from the Propylea'-drawing

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