

Hebe or Juventas (Hebe as cupbearer)

For the Greeks, she was the daughter of Zeus and Hera, and goddess of youth (the Romans called her Juventas). She symbolized the young woman in charge of the Olympian Gods’ domestic tasks. She prepared Aries’ bath, leashed Hera’s cart, served nectar and ambrosia to the gods. Due to some disagreement she was replaced by Ganymede. She danced with the Hours and with the Muses to the sound of Apollo’s lyre. She married Heracles after his deification.

Os Gregos consideravam-na filha de Zeus e Hera e deusa da Juventude (os Romanos conheciam-na por Juventas). Representava a jovem dedicada às tarefas domésticas dos deuses olímpicos: preparava o banho de Áries, atrelava o carro de Hera, servia néctar e ambrosia aos deuses. Devido a desentendimento substituíram-na por Ganimedes. Dançava com as Horas e com as Musas ao som da lira de Apolo. Casou com Héracles após divinização do herói.

Painter of London E 342-'Athens and Hebe as cupbearer'-amphora-Nola-ca 460 BC Moscow-Pushkin Museum

Unknown-'Ganymede on Olympus, surrounded by Zeus who offered him a cock, a goddess crowning him and Hebe as cupbearer'-attic-(black-figures)-amphora-ca 510 BC München-Staatliche Antikensammlungen

Charles Picqué (1799-1869)-'Hebe as cupbearer'-oil on canvas-1826

Jean Coulon (1853-1923)-'celestial Hebe as cupbearer'-marble sculpture-ca 1886

Jacques-François-Joseph Saly (1717-1776)-' Hebe as cupbearer'-terracotta sculpture-1763 St Petersburg-Hermitage

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