

Maternal bond by Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)

The bond between mother and child establishes itself as something natural. This emotional relationship is attributed to the parasympathetic activity of oxytocin, which is produced during the period of lactation. This substance is commonly known as “the hormone of love”.

A ligação entre mãe e filhos estabelece-se com a maior naturalidade. Atribui-se essa relação emocional à atividade parassimpática da oxitocina produzida durante o período de lactação. Esta substância é comummente designada como “hormona do amor”.

Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)-'the first step'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)-'mother and child by the sea'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)-'on mother lap'-oil on panel   Private collection

Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)-'a quiet moment'-oil on canvas   Private collection

Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)-'motherhood'-oil on panel   Private collection

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