

Mental disorders (distúrbios mentais)

Society designates as insanity certain mental behaviors resulting from illness, which for the Greeks was considered sacred. It was studied by philosophers (Erasmus of Rotterdam in “Praise of Folly”) and physicians.

A sociedade denomina insanidade certos comportamentos mentais resultantes de doença considerada sagrada pelos Gregos. Estudaram-na filósofos (Erasmo de Roterdão no “Elogio da Loucura”) e médicos.

Pieter van der Heyden (ca 1530-1575)-'ship of fools'-engraving   Rotterdam-Museum Boijman van Beuningen

Hendrik Gerritszoon Pot (ca 1580-1650)-'Flora's wagon of fools'-oil on panel-1637   Haarlem-Frans Hals Museum

Nicolas Weydmans (1585-1642)-'operation for removing stones; a quack doctor standing at right and about to make an incision in a woman's head'-etching  (reprodution in British Museum)

Pieter Huys (ca 1519-1584)-'a surgeon extracting the stone of folly'    London-Wellcome Library

Quentin Matsys or Massys (ca 1466-1529)-'allegory of folly'   Private collection

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