

Judgment of Paris (Sentença de Páris)

Eris (Discord) appeared uninvited at Peleus and Thetis’s wedding, Achilles’s parents. She brought with her the “golden apple” or “the apple of discord” to give away at the contest of the most beautiful goddess. The competitors were Hera, Aphrodite and Athena. Paris had been chosen for the jury and his sentence was accepted. The choice upon Aphrodite caused the Trojan War because this goddess offered Helena to Paris.

Durante o banquete de casamento de Peleus e Tétis, pais de Aquiles, apareceu Eris (Discórdia) sem ser convidada. Trazia consigo a “maçã de ouro” ou “pomo de discórdia” para atribuir no concurso da jovem mais bela. Concorreram Hera, Afrodite e Palas Atena. Escolheram Páris para júri e aceitaram a sua sentença. A escolha de Afrodite originou a guerra de Tróia porque esta deusa ofereceu Helena a Páris.

Frans Floris (ca 1516-1570)-'Judgment of Paris'-oil on oak-ca 1548   St Petersburg-Hermitage

Niklaus Manuel Deutsch (ca 1484-1530)-'Judgment of Paris'-tempera on canvas   Basel-Kunstmuseum (Öffentliche Kunstsammlung)

Alphonse (Alfons) Maria Mucha (1860-1939)-'Judgment of Paris (calendar)'-oil on canvas   Private collection

William Etty (1787-1849)-'Judgment of Paris'-oil on canvas-(1825-1826)   Liverpool-Lady Lever Art Gallery

Unknown-'Judgment of Paris'-floor mosaic-Imperial Roman-2th century AD-Antioch (Atrium house)   Paris-Musée du Louvre (Ma 3443)

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