

Woman reading a letter

Learning to read involves a complex and lengthy process and requires motivation and effort. Illiteracy prevents the reading comprehension activity. Compulsory public education is more or less two centuries old. Initially it was almost exclusively dedicated to young males. Rafael Bluteau (Vocabulary, 1712, p. 618) mentions the saying which shows the indifference towards the teaching of reading to women: “when a mule hee-haws, and a woman speaks Latin, there is rarely a good end”.

A aprendizagem da leitura requer um processo complexo e demorado e exige motivação e esforço. A iliteracia ameaça a compreensão da leitura. O ensino público mais ou menos obrigatório tem menos de dois séculos. Inicialmente era praticamente dedicado aos jovens do sexo masculino. Rafael Bluteau (Vocabulário, 1712, pg 618) menciona o ditado onde mostra o desinteresse pelo ensino da leitura no sector feminino «mula que faz him, e a mulher que fala latim, raramente há bom fim».

Gabriel Metsu (1629-1667)-'woman reading a letter-oil on panel-(1662-1665)   Dublin-National Gallery of Ireland

Pieter Janssens Elinga (1623->1682)-'reading woman'-oil on canvas-ca 1660   München-Alte Pinakothek

Gerard Terborch (1617-1681)- 'woman reading a letter'-oil on canvas   London-Royal collection

Auguste Toulmouche (1829-1890)-'the love letter'-oil on canvas-1883

Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675)-'woman reading a letter-oil on canvas-(1663-1664)   Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

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