

Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) in America (1492)

There are many uncertainties about Columbus life. While being at the service of the Kings of Spain, he left the port of Palos and sailed the Atlantic to the West. After a revolt on board, he reached the West India islands in October of the same year of 1492. He left documents of his four travels. He died rich in Valladolid.

Existem muitas incertezas sobre a sua vida. Ao serviço dos Reis de Espanha partiu do porto de Palos e navegou no Atlântico para Ocidente. Depois de revolta a bordo chegou às Antilhas em Outubro do mesmo ano de 1492. Deixou documentadas as suas quatro viagens. Faleceu rico em Valladolid.

Unknown (19th century)-'Columbus departing for his voyage to the New World'-lithography   L. Prang & Co

Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868)-'Columbus on the deck of the Santa Maria in 1492'-oil on canvas-1855

Dióscoro Teófilo Puebla Tolin (1831-1901)-'first landing of Columbus on October 12, 1492'-oil on canvas   Coruña-Ayuntamiento

Unknown (19th century)-'Christopher Columbus arrives in America or taking possession-lithography   L. Prang & Co

Emmanuel Gottlieb Leutze (1816-1868)-'Columbus before the Queen'-oil on canvas-1843   New York- Brooklyn Museum

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