

Circumcision of Christ

According to the Jewish worship the removal of the foreskin was considered as a symbol of divine covenant (Genesis, 17:10-13). There was controversy among the early Christians (St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians 3:3).

No culto judaico consideravam a remoção do prepúcio como símbolo de aliança divina (Genesis, XVII, 10-13). Houve controvérsia entre os primeiros cristãos (São Paulo in Carta aos Filipenses III, 3).

Michael Pacher (1430-1498)-'Circumcision of Christ'-oil on panel   Sankt Wolfgang (Austria)-Parish Kirche

Giulio Pippi or Romano (1499-1546)-'Circumcision of Christ'-oil on wood transfered to canvas   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Maître de la vie de la Vierge (15th century)-'Circumcision of Christ'-oil on panel   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Master de St Severin (ca 1485-1515)-'Circumcision of Christ'-oil on oakwood   Paris-Musée du Louvre

Francisco de Zurbarán (1598-1664)-'Circumcision of Christ'-oil on canvas   Grenoble-Musée dees Beaux-Arts

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