

English peasants revolt (1381)

The peasants’ revolt against the power of feudal lords took place during the reign of Richard II. It was lead by Walter (Wat) Tyler who would be killed by the Mayor of London in front of the king.

A revolta dos camponeses contra o poder dos senhores feudais verificou-se no reinado de Ricardo II. Dirigiu-a Walter (Wat) Tyler que seria morto pelo presidente da Câmara de Londres na presença do rei.

(Style) Loiset Lyédet ( - ) in Jean Froissart (ca 1337-ca 1405)-'Richard II meeting with rebels of Peasant's revolt of 1381'-miniature   Paris-BNF (Ms 2644, f. 154v)

Unknown (20th century)-'Wat Tyler confronted king Richard II in Smithfield'-drawing
Joshua Watts; the museum of history, or, narratives of the most remarkable and interesting events, which have taken place in ancient and modern times, H. Mansfield, New Haven (1921)

Unknown-'Wat Tyler in London'-miniature

Jean Froissart (ca 1337-ca 1405)-'death of Wat Tyler'-miniature   Paris.BNF (Ms Louis de Gruuthuse 2644, fol. 157v

Unknown (14th century)-'death of Wat Tyler (London's mayor, Walworth, killing Wat Tyler)-miniature-(1385-1400)   London-Library Royal (Ms 18 E I-II, f. 175)

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