

Italian scenes by Karl Pavlovich Bryuloff (1799-1852)

During the period of the Papal States, Italy received numerous artists who sought to work there.  Karl Pavlovich Bryuloff (1799-1852) painted several landscapes of Italy during the many years he lived in this country.

A Itália, no período dos Estados Papais, recebeu inúmeros artistas plásticos que nela procuravam trabalho. Karl Pavlovich Bryuloff (1799-1852) pintou diversas paisagens de Itália nos vários anos que permaneceu neste país.

Karl Pavlovich Bruloff (1799-1852)-'girl gathering grapes in a suburb of Naples'-oil on canvas-1827   St Petersburg-Russian Museum  

Karl Pavlovich Bruloff (1799-1852)-'grape harvest celebration'-watercolor on paper-1827   Moscow-The Tretyakov Gallery

Karl Pavlovich Bruloff (1799-1852)-'fete in Albano'-watercolor on paper-(1830-1833)   Moscow-The Tretyakov Gallery of Fine Arts

Karl Pavlovich Bruloff (1799-1852)-'Italian woman with a child by a window'-watercolor on paper-1831   Moscow-The Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts

Karl Pavlovich Bruloff (1799-1852)-'Genserich's invasion of Rome (study)'-oil on canvas-(1833-1835)   Moscow-The Tretyakov Gallery of Fine Arts

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