

Paris Revolution 1848

King Louis Philippe took the throne during the revolution of 1830 and abandoned it in 1848, a year of countless revolutions in most European countries.

O rei Luís Filipe adquiriu o trono na revolução de 1830 e abandonou-o na de 1848, ano de inúmeras revoluções em grande parte dos países da Europa.

Félix-Henri-Emmanuel Philippoteaux (1815-1884)-'the poet Alphonse de Lamartine rejects the red flag of the extreme left; the blue-white-red Tricolore become the National Flag of the Second Republic'-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée du Petit Palais

Anonymous-'Louis Philippe of France leaves the Tuileries Palace in 1848'-coloured etching   Private collection

Jean-Jacques Champin (1796-1860)-'proclamation of the Second French Republic on the Place de la Concorde, February 14, 1848'-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée Carnavalet

Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier (1815-1891)-'barricade in the rue de la Mortellerie, Juin 1848-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée du Louvre  / Orsay

Gaspard Gobaut (1814-1882)-'barricade in the rue Culture Sainte-Catherine, August 23 1848-oil on canvas   Paris-Musée Carnavalet

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