


This demon from Greek mythology personifies death. In Hesiod “ Theogony” (v. 758) Thanatos is referred as the son of Nyx (Night) and Erebos (total darkness) and as twin brother of Hypnos (Sleep). As a secondary character, he also appears in Roman mythology as the equivalent of Mors or Letus.

Este demónio da mitologia grega personifica a morte. Na Teogonia de Hesíodo (v. 758) aparece como filho de Nix (Noite) e Erebos (escuridão total) e como irmão gémeo de Hipnos (Sono). Igualmente como figura de segundo plano aparece na mitologia romana como equivalente a Mors ou Letus.

Jacek Malczewski (1854-1929)-'Thanatos'-oil on canvas-1898   Poznam-National Museum

Euxitheos (potter) and Euphronios (painter)-'Sarpedon's body carried by Hypnos and Thanatos (Sleep and Death), while Hermes watches'-attic-(red-figure)-(kalyx-krater)-ca 515 BC   formely in New York-Metropolitan Museum of Art   returned to Rome 2008

Unknown-'Thanatos'-sculpture in marble-(325-300 BC)-column drum from the temple of Artemis at Ephesos   London-British Museum (SC 1206 n3)

Unknown-'Hypnos and Thanatos (Sleep and Death) carrying the body of Sarpedon from the battlefield of Troy'-attic-(white-ground)-lekythos-ca 440 BC   London-British Museum (London D56)

Frederic Leighton (1830-1896)-'Heracles wrestling death'-oil on canvas

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