

Aeneas in Troy

Aeneas, son of Aphrodite (Venus) and Anchises, married Creusa, the daughter of Priam and Hecuba, kings of Troy. His mother managed to have his weapons built by Hephaestus (Vulcan). Homer (Iliad) and Virgil (Aeneid) consider Aeneas the best warrior after Hector. Aphrodite treated his wounds caused by Diomedes.

Eneias, filho de Afrodite (Venus) e Anquises, casou com Creúsa, filha de Príamo e Hécuba, reis de Tróia. Sua mãe conseguiu que as suas armas fossem fabricadas por Hefestos (Vulcano). Homero (Ilíada) e Virgílio (Eneida) consideram-no o melhor guerreiro depois de Heitor. Afrodite tratou-lhe as feridas provocadas por Diomedes.

François Boucher (1703-1770)-'Venus asks Vulcan, the husband she abandoned, to go forge arms for Aeneas her illegitimate son'- oil on canvas-1747    Paris-Musée du Louvre

François Boucher (1703-1770)-' Vulcan present to Venus the armour for Aeneas'- oil on canvas-1757    Paris - Musée du Louvre

Giovanni Francesco Romanelli (1610-1662)-'Venus pouring dictam on the wounds of Aeneas'-oil on canvas    Paris- Musée du Louvre

Luca Giordano (1632-1705) - 'Aeneas defeats Turnus' - oil on canvas   Roma-Galleria Corsini

Unknown (1th century AD) - 'wounded Aeneas between Venus and Ascanius '- fresco   Napoli - Museo Archeologico Nazionale (from Pompeii-casa di Sirico, VII, 1, 25)

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