

Alchemy in Muslim manuscripts

Due to the influence of peoples integrated into the Islamic Empire, especially of Egyptian origin, there was an extensive development of alchemy among a large number of medical professionals and others.

Por influência dos povos integrados no Império Islâmico, sobretudo de origem Egípcia, houve largo desenvolvimento da alquimia entre grande número de profissionais médicos e outros.

Anonymous-'chemical and pharmaceutical process (1)'-miniature   Washington-Smithsonian Institution (Sackler and Freer Gallery)

Anonymous-'chemical process'-miniature   miniature   Boston-Museum of Fine Arts

Anonymous-'chemical and pharmaceutical process (2)'-miniature   Washington-Smithsonian Institution (Sackler and Freer Gallery)

Anonymous-'Miryam and the alchemists'-miniature   London-British Library [Persian Ms Nizami's khamsa (five poems),Shiraz (1435-1436)

Anonymous-'symbols inspired by Egyptian hierogliphs'-miniature  London-British Library (Ms Add. 25724 / Abu l-Quasim al-Iraqi; Kitab-al-Aqalim)

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