

Cleopatra VII (69-30 BC)

She considered herself the reincarnation of the goddess Isis. She lived with the Roman leaders Julius Caesar and Mark Antony. Her life ended with the defeat of Mark Antony by Octavian (Augustus) at Actium in Greece. Her death put an end to the Greek Ptolemies dinasty, heirs of the Empire of Alexander the Great.

Considerava-se reencarnação da deusa Isis. Viveu com os dirigentes romanos Júlio César e Marco António. A sua vida terminou com as derrotas de Marco António por Octaviano (Augusto) na Grécia e Ácio. Com a sua morte terminou a dinastia grega dos Ptlomeus, herdeiros de parte do Império de Alexandre, o grande.

Frederick Arthur Bridgman (1847-1928)-'Cleopatra on the terraces of Philae-oil on canvas-1896   New York-Dahesh Museum

Jean-Léon Gérôme (1824-1924)-'Cleopatra and Caius Julius Caesar'- oil on canvas-1866   Private collection  

Gerard de Lairesse (1640-1711)--'Cleopatra's banquet'-oil on canvas-1675   Amsterdam-Rijksmuseum

Lawrence Alma-Tadema (1836-1912)-Anthony and Cleopatra'-oil on panel-1885  Private collection  

Louis Gauffier (1762-1801)-'Cleopatra and Octavian'-oil on canvas   Edinburgh-National Gallery of Scotland

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