

Japanese courtesans

It seems that there have always been courtesans, often performing their job in brothels. The word seems to be associated with the European idea of “the court” [of a monarch or important person], because in the Middle Ages and Renaissance only nobles could use their love services. This role would be democratized later.

As cortesãs parecem ter existido desde sempre, muitas vezes exercendo a sua profissão em bordéis. A palavra europeia parece estar associada à ideia de corte pois na Idade Média e Renascença só os nobres podiam utilizar os seus serviços amorosos. A função democratizou-se posteriormente.

Anonymous (18th century)-'a courtesan reading'-miniature   London-British Library (ID Oriental 75 G 34)

Attr. Utagawa Toyoharu (Edo period)-'courtesans of the Tamaya house'-miniature-(1770-1780)   London-British Library (JA JP Add 687)

Kitao Masanobu (Edo period) (1761-1816)-'the courtesans Hinazuru and Chozan'-miniature-1784   London-British Museum (JA 1979 3-5.01)

Kawahara Keiga (Edo period) (1786- )-'courtesan in red kimono'-miniature-(1800-1825)   London-British Museum (JA JP Add 1032)

Okumura Masanobi (Edo period) (ca 1686-1764)-'courtesans as three sake drinkers'-miniature-1710    London-British Museum (JA 1915 8-23.01)

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