

Mexico by Codex Friar Durán

Fray Diego Durán (ca 1537-1588) was born in Spain, of non-Christian parents. He grew up in Texcoco, the Aztec capital, where he learned the Nahuatl language and the customs of this native people. In 1556 he became a Dominican. He wrote about the Spanish conquest. In the codex of the National Library (Madrid) there are several illustrations about this topic.

Fray Diego Durán (ca 1537-1588) nasceu em Espanha, sendo filho de pais não Cristãos. Cresceu em Texcoco, capital Asteca, onde aprendeu a língua Nahuatl e os costumes deste povo nativo. Em 1556 tornou-se Dominicano. Escreveu sobre a conquista espanhola. No codex da Biblioteca Nacional (Madrid) há diversas ilustrações sobre este assunto.

Unknown (16th century)-'Pedro de Alvarado (ca 1585-1541) companion-at-arms of Hernando Cortès (1485-1547)'-illustration

Unknown (16th century)-'Montezuma II and his envoys to the Spanish conquerors'-illustration

Unknown (16th century)-'meeting of Hernando Cortès and Montezuma (1466-1520) -illustration-fol. 208v

Unknown (16th century)-'the Totonac Indians helping the conquistadores to transport materials-illustration-fol 204v

Unknown (16th century)-'massacre of the Mexicans'-illustration

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